Photo gallery of Dushanbe |
Map of Dushanbe |
Railway station |
Monument Kuibyshev V.V |
Hotel Dushanbe |
The area Aini |
The area Aini |
The area Aini |
The area Aini |
Historical study of local lore museum |
The area Aini |
The area Aini |
The area of a victory |
The area Aini |
Cinema Vatan |
Street Mazaev |
The Tadjik state university |
Avenue on prospectus Rudaki |
Hotel Vahsh |
The area of the 800-anniversary of Moscow |
Opera and ballet theatre of a name айни |
Opera and ballet theatre of a name айни |
National bank |
The prospectus Rudaki |
The prospectus Rudaki |
Avenue on prospectus Rudaki |
Avenue on prospectus Rudaki |
Library of a name Firdousi |
Philarmonic society |
The prospectus Rudaki |
The area Somoni |
The area Somoni |
The area Somoni |
The area Somoni |
The area Somoni |
The area Somoni |
The area Somoni |
Parliament |
Parliament |
Parliament |
Parliament |
The mayoralty |
Hotel Tajikistan |
The prospectus Rudaki |
The prospectus Rudaki |
The prospectus Rudaki, central department store |
The prospectus Rudaki, central department store |
The house of the union of writers |
The prospectus Rudaki |
Presidential palace |
Theatre of a name Lohuti |
The prospectus Rudaki |
Cafe "Choyhona Rohat" |
The prospectus Rudaki |
Fountain on the prospectus Rudaki |
Mosque |
Street Somoni |
Street Somoni |
The river Dushenbinka |
The river Dushenbinka |
Street Somoni |
Film-concert complex |
Supermarket in the street |
Monument Abu Ali Ibn Sino |
82 microdistrict |
Household shop in 82 microdistrict |
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs Tajikistan |
Monument Lenin |
Airport |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
Dushanbe, the top view |
In the beginning of page |